This page will be used to keep Denver Brass patrons and fans up-to-date on information regarding any future Denver Brass events that may be affected by COVID-19.
Friday, September 10, 2021 - 10:00am
Denver Brass is hosting an in-person musical event on October 17th in the Chambers Grant Salon at the Ellie Caulkins Opera House. Tickets for A ROARING GALA are available for purchase.
For A ROARING GALA, all guests must provide proof of vaccination or doctor's statement of medical exemption to attend this event. We suggest attendees wear masks at all times in the building, except while enjoying refreshments. This helps us create a safe environment for other patrons and our musicians.
We will continue to monitor regulations from the CDC, CDPHE, and any policies implemented by the City of Denver and/or Denver Performing Arts Complex. We encourage you to check our website for any updates. Denver Brass will email you if there are any changes to our gala safety procedures.
Thank you for your support as we continue to ensure the health and safety of Denver Brass musicians, staff and patrons. We cannot wait to celebrate 40 years of artistry, family, and Denver Brass with you!
Ticket sales open online on Eventbrite. Click here to buy tickets!
Monday, May 10, 2021 - 10:00am
Welcome back, Brass Fans! Denver Brass is offering limited, socially distanced seating for live audiences for our May 27th concert at Bethany Lutheran Church. Tickets for A Time of Remembrance are available for purchase as pods of adjacent seats. You will only be able to select one seat on the map to buy the entire pod. Pods are available in groups of 2, 3, or 4. All pods have been spaced based on current and recommended health guidelines.
For A Time of Remembrance, we ask that all attendees wear masks at all times in the church, including while seated with your pod. This helps us create a safe environment for other patrons and our musicians. Denver Brass requests that attendees practice good physical distancing when arriving at the church and when moving through the lobby areas.
Ticket sales open online on Eventbrite at 10am, Monday, May 10. Click here to buy tickets!
Monday, November 23rd - 10:00am
Dear Brass Fans,
Due to the changes in the State's COVID-19 dial, as well as many counties moving to Level Red on the dial, Denver Brass has no choice but to cancel "Christmas from the Attic" on December 19. Given the implementation timeline of the current restrictions, we will not be able to reschedule this concert before the end of the year.
While we are disappointed we couldn't wrap up 2020 together with a wonderful Christmas concert, we are so grateful to have been able to share "Night of the Sequestered Brass" and "Reveries" for you. Additionally, we are hard at work planning and organizing a Spring Virtual Concert Series, so please keep an eye on your mailboxes, email inboxes, and social media for announcements about future concerts.
You can still get your December Brass fix by grabbing your instrument and joining us for a Virtual Holiday BrassFest. We'll be gathering over Zoom for a master class style event, with our musicians providing insight on how to improve your technique and polish your sound. You can learn more about our Virtual Holiday BrassFest by visiting our website: www.denverbrass.org/holiday-brassfest.
Please stay safe over the upcoming holidays. We cannot express enough how much we want to see you again, smiling and applauding, at one of our shows.
Wednesday, May 27th - 12:00pm
Dear Denver Brass Fans,
Denver Brass June 28 "Totally Awesome Summer Mix" has been cancelled.
The Arvada Center has made the decision to cancel all 2020 summer programming in their outdoor Amphitheatre. If you have purchased tickets for Denver Brass' June 28th performance, you will receive an email directly from the Arvada Center.
If you have not received an email, call their box office at 720-898-7200 or email them at info@arvadacenter.org at your earliest convenience. Denver Brass is already in discussions with the Arvada Center regarding a date for summer 2021, and we look forward to being in our favorite outdoor venue a year from now. Thank you so very much for supporting Denver Brass at the Arvada Center!
Friday, May 15th - 9:30am
Dear Brass Fans,
We let you know a couple of weeks ago that we were hoping to livestream our Saturday, May 16 Memorial Day Concert for you, but we were unable to secure a location from which we could broadcast during May. We're now working on bringing music to you in June. We'll keep you posted on our progress via our website and email.
Due to operational interruptions from this pandemic, progress on the editing of our new "Jazz" recording has been significantly delayed. Expect to hear about the release of this disc in July.
We're thinking of you every day, and we're counting the days until we can be with you in person again.
All the best to you from everyone at Denver Brass!
Tuesday, April 24th - 2:10pm
Dear Denver Brass Fans,
The Denver Brass Staff and Board of Directors have made the difficult decision to cancel rather than postpone the "Celtic Obsession” shows of March 14 and 15, 2020. Information regarding the ability to have a live audience in the coming months is not yet available, and we didn’t want to keep you in the dark any longer regarding a firm decision.
If you had tickets to our Celtic Obsession performance, you have the option to donate you ticket purchase to the Denver Brass or to request a full refund. To do this, please email us at info@denverbrass.org with you name, phone number, and if you want to donate or refund your ticket order. If we do not hear from you by May 4th, we will call you. Donations and refunds will be processed around May 15th.
*If your tickets were ordered under a different name or email address, please reply to this email or email us at info@denverbrass.org with your choice.
You will receive an email notification when we enter your ticket donation into our database, and we will mail you a letter for your records and tax purposes.
We're heartbroken that it has come to this, but we would rather miss you for one concert than run the chance of missing you forever. We can't wait until we can see your smiling face again at a show.
Denver Brass Office - (303) 832-4676, info@denverbrass.org
Newman Center Box Office - (303) 871-7720, newmanboxoffice@du.edu
Tuesday, April 14th - 2:20pm
Dear Brass Fans,
As we announced yesterday, we are cancelling our May "Let Freedom Ring" concerts due to the uncertainty of health risks involved with public gatherings in the month of May.
If you had tickets to our Let Freedom ring performance, you have the option to donate you ticket purchase to the Denver Brass or to request a full refund. To do this, please email us at info@denverbrass.org with you name, phone number, and if you want to donate or refund your ticket order. Donations and refunds will be processed around May 1st.
We are working on plans to perform our May concert live at Bethany Lutheran Church without an audience on Saturday, May 16 and livestream it as a gift to our fans and the Bethany membership. We will keep you updated on the progress of this event.
Monday, April 13th - 1:50pm
Dear Brass Fans,
The Denver Brass Staff and Board of Directors have made the difficult decision to cancel "Let Freedom Ring," May 16 & 17 at Bethany Lutheran Church. We would rather miss you for one concert than miss you forever. If you are a current ticket holder for Let Freedom Ring, Denver Brass staff will be contacting you about your ticket options as soon as exchange policies have been finalized with the box office team. We deeply appreciate your patience as we work through all these details.
We are finalizing scheduling information regarding Celtic Obsession with our musicians, guest artists, and Newman Center, all while monitoring the health crisis. We will be announcing the new date for Celtic Obsession in the next 4 weeks. Thank you for your patience as we work to move our most popular show to a summer date.
Also, due to technical difficulties with our "Amazing Grace" video, we had to take it down. We're working each day to develop programming to share with you in the near future, so please stay tuned!
Tuesday, April 7th - 4:00pm
Dear Brass Fans,
We hope all of you are staying safe and sane during this period of self-isolation. It has been a major adjustment for our staff and musicians navigating this solitude and coping with our inability to share live music with you. Hopefully, you’ve been getting your brass fix by listening to our recordings on Spotify and checking out our videos on YouTube.
This email update is to share with you that the Denver Brass Staff and Board of Directors will be meeting this week to firm up the reschedule date for Celtic Obsession, as well as evaluate the best plan of action for Let Freedom Ring at Bethany. We are hoping to get solid answers about both of these shows to you by the end of this week. We are working with our colleagues at the Newman Center and Bethany Lutheran Church to settle on dates, times, and ticketing policies, which all take time to polish up so we can quickly and efficiently help you with your tickets with as little confusion as possible.
Please keep an eye out on your inboxes for those concert updates, as well as for our first ever Virtual Denver Brass ensemble video!
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to reach out.
Thursday, March 19th - 10:00am
Dear Denver Brass Fans,
We know that your inboxes are being bombarded with updates and messaging regarding COVID-19, as ours are certainly overflowing. However, we wanted to send out a quick message updating you about what is going on at Denver Brass in regard to Celtic Obsession and the ever-changing world we are in.
Given the declarations from the state government about public gatherings, our plan to move Celtic Obsession to May 8 is no longer a possibility. The earliest we would be able to reschedule Celtic Obsession would be after our May shows at Bethany Lutheran Church. We are also bracing ourselves for the strong possibility that the Governor will recommend an extension on the public gatherings ban.
We want to play these shows for you. We are doing everything we can to reschedule Celtic Obsession for you. But with how quickly this health crisis is evolving, and public policy changing by the hour, we are uncertain when that will be.
Our strategy going forward remains the same: reschedule. If you have tickets to Celtic Obsession, the
following 4 options are still in place:
Use your tickets for our rescheduled date that is yet to be announced.
Exchange your tickets for our May shows at Bethany Lutheran.
Donate the value of your tickets as a tax-deductible contribution to The Denver Brass.
Request a refund. We would love to see you at one of our shows, however we understand the changing economic climate. It’s affecting our staff and musicians, too.
Thank you for being patient and understanding during the process. We have had to navigate new procedures related to processing ticket exchanges and returns, rescheduling 40+ artists, navigating crowded calendars at the Newman Center, and evolving public health policies.
Thank you again for the many ways you support The Denver Brass. We missed seeing all your smiling faces this past weekend. We cannot wait to see you at our concerts again. We just need to wait until we can schedule something that is in line with the health and public safety policies being developed by our government leadership.
Stay safe. Stay healthy. Wash your hands. And most importantly, turn on some brass music for inspiration and relaxation! It won’t be long before we are gathered together in music once more.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to reach out.
Becky Wilkins, Executive Director - (720) 345-4477
Kathy Brantigan, Artistic Director - (303) 829-4676
Warren Deck, Principal Conductor
Chuck Thorman, Board President
Denver Brass Office - (303) 832-4676, info@denverbrass.org
Newman Center Box Office - (303) 871-7720, newmanboxoffice@du.edu
Monday, March 17th - 10:50am
Denver Brass Fans,
The Newman Center box office is currently working on a solution for the postponing of our Celtic Obsession shows. Due to limitations with the ticketing software, we are not able to handle donations, exchanges or refunds once a performance date has passed. This will be corrected soon. We’ll let you know as soon as we can begin processing your requests!
We value your patience and understanding through this process. Please know that we are working as quickly as possible to meet your many requests.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Newman Center Box Office at newmanboxoffice@du.edu
Becky Wilkins - Executive Director
Kathy Brantigan - Artistic Director
Warren Deck - Principal Conductor
Chuck Thorman - Board President
Friday, March 13th - 5:30pm
Denver Brass Fans,
We write to you broken-hearted that we must postpone our Celtic Obsession shows this weekend. This has been a tremendously difficult decision, not only due to the encouragement from so many of you to carry on this weekend, but also because of the huge financial impact the loss of this weekend will have on this organization. However, this is the only reasonable thing to do given the grave situation we face as a nation right now.
As we write this note to you, we are working with the Newman Center to come up with the best possible solution to our dilemma. It is our goal to reschedule to Friday, May 8th. We will keep you notified of our progress.
While mechanisms are not yet in place for us to deal with the many tickets that have been sold for these shows, we are working as quickly as possible with the Newman Center to come up with good options for you. We hope that you can be patient with us as we come up with the best plan.
Those of you who have followed Denver Brass for as long as 39 years now, know that ticket sales are crucial to keeping our doors open. March is always our most expensive production, and our best attended event. Dollars earned in March help get us through the spring and summer months. At this point, our organization has already incurred $35,000 of debt from advertising and rehearsal salaries in preparation for this weekend’s shows. Our musicians are all full-time professionals, and we pay them for each and every rehearsal and performance. We will surely pay our 40+ artists for the work they have already done, and we will need to pay all of our advertising bills as they come in.
We will be back to you just as soon as possible with detailed information on each of the above options.
Thank you again for the many ways you support The Denver Brass. You are the lifeblood of our organization; you have made us who we are today. We’re indebted to you, and we trust that together we will weather this storm and come out the other side with something greater than any of us can imagine at this time.
All our very best to each and everyone one of you,
Becky Wilkins - Executive Director
Kathy Brantigan - Artistic Director
Warren Deck - Principal Conductor
Chuck Thorman - Board President
Friday, March 13th - 11:00am
Denver Brass Fans,
As of 11:00am, March 13, Denver Brass received notice from the University of Denver that this weekend's Celtic Obsession shows are postponed.
We are currently exploring our options for a future date.
We deeply appreciate your patience as we work on the best possible solution to this very difficult situation. Please keep an eye on your email for a more complete message from Denver Brass later in the day.
If possible, please refrain from calling our office until we have a better idea of what options are available to us.