

Looking for additional resources to take your playing to the next level?

These Mini-Masterclasses with Denver Brass’ incredible musicians are focused on a specific brass pedagogy topic, allowing you to really hone in on a skill that may be new or needing extra work. Learn a new practice technique in under 20 minutes!

These virtual supplementary teaching videos are designed for middle and high school music students and educators, but can be a great resource for musicians of all ages!

Is there a fundamental, technique or other pedagogy topic you’d like to hear a Denver Brass musician discuss? Email us at with the subject “DB Mini Masterclasses” to share your suggestions for a future Denver Brass Mini-Masterclasses.

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Fundamentals of Breathing with David Artley

Breathing is an essential aspect of great brass playing, but how does it all work? Join David Artley, Principal Trumpet of The Denver Brass, for a Mini-Masterclass in which he demystifies the structure and function of great breathing for brass performance. In this Denver Brass Mini-Masterclass, David Artley helps us unlock our musical potential through understanding the fundamentals of great breathing.

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Breathing Exercises with David Artley

How do we practice getting a great breath to make great sounds on a brass instrument? Join Denver Brass Principal Trumpet David Artley for a Mini-Masterclass on breathing exercises that will get our music moving! In this Denver Brass Mini-Masterclass, David Artley walks us through breathing exercises that can improve tone, musicality, and more!

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Low Range Expansion with Jim Andrus

Want to build a full, powerful low register? Join Jim Andrus, Denver Brass Tubist and Principal Tuba of the Boulder Philharmonic, for a Mini-Masterclass on the fundamentals of low range expansion! In this Denver Brass Mini-Masterclass, Jim Andrus helps us build an excellent low range on our instruments.

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“Wall of Sound” Exercise with Adam Snider

How can we establish a beautiful sound throughout the range of our instrument? Join Adam Snider, Principal Tuba of the Boise Philharmonic, for a Mini-Masterclass on an exercise that can help you build tone, expand your range, and more! In this Denver Brass Mini-Masterclass, Adam Snider introduces the "Wall of Sound" exercise to help us foster a great brass sound through the range of our instruments.


DB Mini-Masterclasses are made available to students and educators at no charge, thanks to foundation funding and individual donors. If you would like to see more Mini-Masterclasses, or would like to help support our digital education programs, please consider making a gift to the Denver Brass today. Click here to donate.